How to Design HTML Menu Bars

How to Design HTML Menu Bars

How to Design HTML Menu BarsThis HTML web design tutorial video will show you the basics on how to add links and menu bars to an HTML document.

Links (or hyperlinks) give visitors the ability to click and visit other sections or pages of your website or even a totally different site.

These elements are essential in good website designing and so use them within your pages for effect.

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How to Add Menus and Links in HTML

Menu bars include multiple links so users can navigate your entire site by clicking various links.

Once you learn this process you’ll be able to use it each time you design a new website. Keep checking back for other lessons and classes for beginners to enhance your designing skills.

1. Open a Notepad File and Type Your Page Code

In the Notepad page, type the tags for HTML, head, title and body to create a basic web page.

Then include the code to add a hyperlink or link. Save the file as an HTML document.

Type the text that you want to appear on the web page for your link, such as “Click here to learn more” or you can type the name of the page or website destination, such as “Bing” if you plan to link to Bing’s home page.

2. Link Tags

Type the linking tags around the link text using an <a ref></a> link tag.

Then include the actual link destination (http://www….).

This will be the page address or URL where you want your visitors to arrive after clicking the link. You must include the “http://” before the “www” in order for the link to work. You can also link from images on your web page.

3. Repeat to Create a Basic Menu Bar

When you want to create a basic menu bar, this HTML tutorial video shows you how to do this by duplicating the text link code across your page or you can add a <br> (HTML line break) to make a vertical menu bar on your page.

You’ll use the same link codes to create multiple links and form a menu bar for site navigation.

Learn about links and menu bars and other great web design techniques by taking a complete HTML web design course for beginners.

This HTML tutorial video shows the very basics of these two functions, but there are plenty of amazing features to learn about when creating a website. Now, go and create some HTML menu bars for yourself. See how easy it is? Want to learn more about web design?

Design HTML Menu Bars