Logo Design Tips

Logo Design Tips to Spruce Up Your Website

Logo Designing, et. al. If you are perplexed about including logos or graphics in your website design, then these logo design tips will help you to tackle the situation.

My Logo Design Experience

The last time I went shopping online for a good logo designer, I decided I would no longer go for an over priced, professional design house.

I mean, I had taken that route earlier and was not really satisfied with the kind of services that they offered.

And, the designs were far from being the most amazing designs I had ever seen

An Amazing Discovery about Designing Logos

designing logosBut, the jargon and the prices surely were more than amazing.

Anyway, I was looking for amazing designs and I decided that going to the freelance work spaces on the web might just be a good place to start.

And boy, am I glad I ventured that way!

For one thing, I found a whole new world of absolutely amazing designs!

I mean it! I had been through a number of professional website design agencies before and none of them even came close.

Finding Amazing and Passionate Internet Graphics Designers

Maybe it was because the people who were up on the Internet were passionate about their art and wanted to prove a point.

Maybe it was just that their designs really came from the heart – a heart that still wasn’t devoured by the lure of money. But some of those designs were the most amazing designs I ever saw.

Amazing Logo Designs are Only Half the Story

I finally did find someone after a little bit of a searching. I commissioned him to create some amazing logo designs for me.

While I would love to say that everything worked out really well, that was not the case. I mean the designs were amazing all right. But, he took so long to deliver them that I nearly had to postpone the opening of my new store.

And, when they did come in, everyone who saw them said that they were not worth the wait.

The experience set me to thinking. I mean when there were so many people who produced quality logo designs, why were there so many professionals whose designs lacked the passion?

What happened to the raw talent when it came into contact with money that it seemed to fizzle out and die? Where were some of the more reputed names more interested in branding themselves and their portfolios rather than doing a good job for their clients?

Creativity Vs Money in Logo Design

The only, and I would like to believe logical, conclusion I came to was that people who had nothing to lose immersed themselves in their work.

It was only when they started seeking rewards other than the satisfaction of a job well done that their work suffered and ceased to be of the same quality as before.

That my friends is the truth not just about about a creative person designing logos & graphics, but about any labor of love.

Want to Design Your Own Website Logos?

If you would rather create your own website logos instead of hiring out the work, there is hope! I found a very inexpensive program called Logaster Logo Generator which works great, even if you don’t have that ‘creative’ bone.

==> Try Out Logaster FREE – Check It Out Here >>

See you next time and keep on designing! – Bob